Computer Assisted Instruction & the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines


  • Christina Huhn



The current study presents the results of one mixed-method analysis of the
implementation of communicative online activities into beginning Spanish
classes, their effects on class performance, and evaluation of the studentgenerated
work from the online module. Results show that although
statistically there may be some doubt as to the effectiveness of an addition
of a WebCT/Blackboard ® component into a beginning Spanish program,
the environment did provide opportunities for students to demonstrate
language proficiency. It is the analysis of student writing samples
gathered from the hybrid course, using a rubric based on the ACTFL
Writing Proficiency Guidelines, that adds depth and breadth to the study.
The article also addresses common issues that arise in traditional
analyses of technology implementations, and suggests ways that the
ACTFL Writing Proficiency Guidelines can be useful in the evaluation of
student work in qualitative research.




How to Cite

Huhn, Christina. “Computer Assisted Instruction & The ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines”. IALLT Journal of Language Learning Technologies, vol. 41, no. 2, Oct. 2011, pp. 1-27,